Thursday, February 11, 2010

Irish Gentle Leader How Do The Different Spanish Accents Sound?

How do the different Spanish accents sound? - irish gentle leader

I do not know the official name, but in English there

various American accents - usually soft drive south of Southern California, Boston, Brooklyn, Long Iceland, Chicago, Minnesota,
Colombia - all hundreds of people - Cockney, Scouse, Scottish, Welsh, etc.

In the Spanish-speaking world, a country which has most of the focus () including the United Kingdom in English?

Is there an accent even more widespread than the general tone of the United States and most Canadians?

What is the hardest (IMO Scottish in English) and what is the softer (soft southern England for me)?

It is used as an elegant (IMO Received Pronunciation) and less intelligent IMO (going south)?

The only two Spanish accents, I can tell a difference in Spain, Spanish, because, as they are whispering sound.


  1. Spain is actually many different languages: Catalan, Basque, Galician, etc. As for accents, most countries have regional differences and socio-economic in nature, talk like people.
    From what I've seen there, there is a common type of accent you hear on TV. It seems a kind of dialect in Latin America with no obvious regional pronunciation and words. I do not think so as the Standard Midwestern accent on any TV in the U.S. or the Oxford English accent heard pronounced.
    As someone who speaks Spanish as a second language, I believe that Spain Spanish accent a little hard. The "j" sound is more pronounced and the pronunciation of "c" and "Z" is a little strange to my ears. I also think some are Spanishdirty little mouth.
    I do not want an intelligent argument against the less. I think people think in the big cities, that their focus is more "appropriate" for the country accents. I also believe that each country believes that speak better Spanish.

  2. No Latin American and Castilian Spanish

    Latin America is that Mexicans speak spaniss

    Castilian Spanish is spoken by the Spaniards!

    Hope this helps!

  3. I think that Mexico has a Spanish accent. in Mexico City, there are many accents in a city depends largely on how much education they have (the street slang vs. physician). Spain has joined many different dialects - the lispy is castilliano. They speak with a Catalan or Galatia are separate, but similar trends.

  4. Yes, there are many different accents Spain Spanish using a variety of "sh" with his mouth, while Yell Central, Nicaragua and Argentina, the "you", while in Mexico, it sounds still sue and cut into the Caribbean Pueto Rico, the Dominican Republic and Cuba, in the words ... Ebonics is like lol but Spainsh

  5. Indeed, throughout Latin America different accents. But the Argentine accent from the rest of Latin America otherwise. Do not say you (you) said Vos. LL have pronounced "sh" and Mexico, for example, as "you" is pronounced Ex: Calle (Street) Arg: They, Mex: Cayeh. It is more than 2 different emphasis here is.
    But there is also the south and north, with an accent as if they were to sing a song. The most elegant is here in Buenos Aires, the capital.

    Bye, I hope this helps.

    Phyllite Argentina.
