Friday, February 26, 2010

Syphilis Gums Photos If Not The Navy, Were You In The Army?

If not the Navy, were you in the Army? - syphilis gums photos

An important visit to the hospital to see the soldiers and asked a soldier, what is your problem?
Chronic syphilis, Sir!
What treatment is for them?
Five minutes with a wire brush every day, sir!
What is your goal?
To return to the front, sir!
Good man, "said the captain!

He goes to bed later and asks what's up soldier?
Chronicle batteries Lord!
What treatment are you?
Five minutes with a wire brush each day of the Lord!
What is your goal?
To return to the front, sir!
Good man, "said the commander.

He enrolled in the next bed, what is your problem, soldier?
Chronic periodontitis, sir!
What treatment are you?
Five minutes with a wire brushLord every day!
What is your goal?
To get to the front and get the wire brush before the other two, sir!

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